So, the new job is more advertising than marketing, and the difference between the two in my mind is push versus pull marketing. What we do at the new job is push marketing (advertising) which means we are salesmen trying to sell you something “but wait there’s more!” – kinda stuff. It’s simply not what I expected going in.
And for those of you who worry “she shouldn’t be saying things like this, someone from work might see” this isn’t anything that I haven’t said in the office. They are well aware that things are in a transition right now, and quite frankly no one’s jobs there are what they expected them to be. Because the company is changing/growing and there will be some pains to go with that. A lot of pains.
Still, I like it, the people are nice, and it took me a little while to get the hang of things but I think I’ve got it most of it. So now, the only thing I’m waiting for things to settle down so I can be less stressed.
Of course, the fact that I have four jobs now doesn’t decrease my stress level at all. Well that’s a lie – in a weird way they do. You see I’m still working at the Container Store, because I love it. And it’s my work out for the week. Yes, yes, I know you’re supposed to work out more than once a week, but who has the time? However, my other jobs, which I am not getting paid for, I started recently. I am a reader for a two literary agencies. One deals with mostly YA authors, the other is looking to expand into YA because lets face it, it’s one of the few growing area of the book publishing industry. Anyway my job is to read books and write a short page about it, my feelings on it, my thoughts, maybe even some recommended editing. The literary agents then take that review and decide to represent the author or not. Of course I’m not the only say, but more of a second opinion for them.
That does mean that I have to put other books I’ve been reading aside, but it’s worth it. This is something I can put on my resume towards my goal. I’m pretty sure, I’m going to have to cut something out to make room for it on there. And figure out how I want to explain exactly what I do at the real job ( you know the one that pays me). So much to do and only one day off.
It’s kinda nice going from no job to four. I feel like I’m accomplishing something finally.
But yeah, the other jobs take my mind off the stress from the first because through physical labor and then escaping into a story mostly while on the train – I love my brand new Kindle (I’ll talk more on that sometime soon). So yeah… that’s pretty much an update on my jobs right now.