I have tried to be discreet with my job search. Never letting on how many interviews I've been on or at which publishers. Especially, since I give them all this blog address. But the time has finally come to drop names.
Drum roll please
Sherman’s Travel is my new employer!!!
They are a travel destination advice publication that sends out a weekly newsletter discussing the top travel deals out there right now. I got lucky. They were losing two people from a small team and they needed someone quickly. I'm pretty sure I wouldn’t have been looked at if they didn't need a replacement so quickly since I was considered over qualified with my MBA.
Which still gets me a little flustered because if I'm overqualified for this job but don't have the experience for another higher position then I'm stuck in the middle with no one wanting me. But that’s all over now!
As I said, they needed someone quick and according to my new boss, everyone who applied was over qualified. In fact, my lack of experience may have helped me to get this job since they wanted someone to start at an entry-level position.
The job comes with a full benefits package and some nice travel perks. Meaning they will send me places. Poor Calvin... he can't go. >:D
There will a trial period of about a month to determine if they did indeed chose the right applicant and I’m going to assume they will love me. I fully expect to love them too. I certainly hope that's the case considering I can't afford to wait another 7 months for the next opportunity to come around.
But that's neither here nor there!
After the month, it will become permanent with all the bells and whistles.
“But… but what about this blog?” the adoring fans in my head ask…
Well - I made it into a publishing company, not one I expected to 7 months ago but one that sounds like a lot of fun regardless. AND YET the title of this blog is Worming my Way into the Trade.
So technically, I haven't made it to my ultimate goal. I would still like to work in children's books some day. For now though, this is a great opportunity. One I may never again have a chance to experience. So I'm taking it. And I'll keep you updated on the rest.
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