Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Viable Backups :/

I made an attempt at finding for myself a backup plan, should this whole bookworm journey not pan out in the nearest future. A couple weeks ago I set up a meeting with Ginger in the Career Management Center. She’s a nice person and in general you can tell she has an avid eagerness to help. I’ve been going into her office frequently and informally since I started my real job search– not internship- last semester. Because of all the requirements needed to graduate, which many of my class do not have complete, her time has been pretty full. She never has a free moment. So, I did the right thing here and made an appointment. I need to know when I should give-up-for-now on the possibility of getting a job in the publishing business. Or to put it a different way, when I need to get a job to pay the bills until I get the career/dream starter one. I also wanted to discuss the types of jobs that might give me skills that I can transfer over to a trade job at a later date. The meeting didn’t happen. She had to reschedule. So now I get to wait another week before I have this discussion.

I’ve not been idle on this front however. I went to a career fair last week. I think I can see how an associate management position at Target would be a great benefit to me, and I’m a loyal customer of theirs to boot. The leadership skills managing a team of people would be wonderful experience that can be applied to any field. There are even positions available from there to move up in the company. But retail isn’t my target industry. There was another company, for technology, that didn’t actually tell me what the position was for. I was called over by a classmate who was talking about the marketing research project we did last semester. He needed a few details filled in, I was happy to do so. The product this company develops (the company at the fair) is a keyless keyboard with applications for children with autism. The man we spoke with was very interested in our marketing research because it concerned QuestKids, the local provider for certified ABA therapy here in Central FL. Like I said, I’m not sure what position he was hiring for – came in the middle of a conversation remember? - but my assumption was marketing. And since I like and am familiar with the cause… well, there’s no harm keeping in touch with the man. I suppose I should contact him soon though huh?

All this isn’t to say that I’m ready to throw in the towel with my journey. What point would there be in updating this blog if that was case? For tomorrow alone, I plan on continuing my follow up efforts. There are moments where I’m absolutely, so glad, that I make a record of every position I apply to. I’ve found in the past that it can get rather confusing. In order to keep it all straight, I generally email a record of the position to myself, the company of course, and the day that I applied for it. I’m sure there are some new positions I have yet to look at as well. My newest database, the publishers market, has yet to be fully explored and exploited of possibilities. That’s on my agenda as well. A fun filled day to be sure.

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